2020 Vision: Achieve Your Goals This Year
If 2019 wasn’t the year you have landed better and greater heights, it may be time re-assess and look back at what you did the whole year. Were these your goals? Were they attainable? Specific? Too out of bounds?
The good news is the new year gives you ample time to start anew—set SMART goals for 2020! Let’s break it down:
When you’ve taken your goals to paper, did you list them in a way that is specific? Don’t leave them too vague, because you’re only bound to get confused or lost one way or another.
Are your goals quantifiable? Say, you made a goal to save money this year. How much are you actually going to set aside? And how often? Be clear with such terms and you are well on your way to ticking off a hefty goal.
How do you plan on achieving said goalmouths? List down things that make sense for you. Saving money? Maybe take a side gig. Losing weight? Start jogging every morning.
Know your bounds. Attaining something doesn’t come at the expense of your health.
Are your goals relevant to your current timeline or lifestyle? Because if they’re not, you can’t set deadlines on them—and they’re not worth doing.